Analyse methylation profiles ============================ Identify genomic regions with and without methylation. The pipeline expects paired-end Illumina reads with the bisulfide conversion. Purpose ------- * Epigenetic marker for several diseases (e.g. oncology) * Compare between samples with different phenotype (e.g. tissues) Required inputs --------------- * Sequenced paired-end reads from Illumina sequencer in gzipped fastq format. * each sample is represented by two gzipped fastq files * standard output files of paired-end sequencing * Reference genome in fasta format :: |-- reads/original |-- _R1.fastq.gz |-- _R2.fastq.gz |-- _R1.fastq.gz |-- _R2.fastq.gz |-- reference/ |-- .fa Generated outputs ----------------- * Summary report of methylation profiles in sequenced samples Example ------- How to run example: .. code-block:: bash cd /usr/local/snakelines/example/genomic snakemake \ --snakefile ../../snakelines.snake \ --configfile config_methylseq.yaml \ --use-conda Example configuration: .. literalinclude:: ../../example/genomic/config_methylseq.yaml :language: yaml Planned improvements -------------------- * Aggregate quality statistics of preprocess and mapping with the `MultiQC `_ * Include coverage tracks (Bismark can produce them as well) Included pipelines ------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 /pipelines/quality_report /pipelines/preprocess_paired_end /pipelines/mapping