Custom - Filter Significantly Expressed Transcripts ------------------------------------------------------- Select transcripts with significant change in expression according to user specified filters. **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/paired_end/classification/differential_analysis/filter_significant/custom.snake - *Rule name:* custom__filter_significantly_expressed_transcripts **Input(s):** - *table:* TSV table with statistical evaluation of change in expression - *design:* TSV table describing separation of samples into groups for differential expression **Output(s):** - *table:* TSV table with transcripts with significant change in expression **Param(s):** - *max_fdr:* Maximal value of fold discovery change for transcript to be reported - *min_fold_change:* Minimal value of fold change for transcript to be reported - *reproducible_expression:* At least one read must be mapped to transcript in all samples from over-expressed group to be reported