Edger - Identify Transcripts With Changed Expression -------------------------------------------------------- Compare counts of selected groups of samples and find features with significant change across the groups **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/paired_end/classification/differential_analysis/edger.snake - *Rule name:* edger__identify_transcripts_with_changed_expression **Input(s):** - *counts:* Aggregated counts for each transcript and sample in tabular format - *metadata:* File with samples attributes - use for separating samples into compared groups **Output(s):** - *norm_counts:* TSV table with normalised number of reads (by sample read depth) - *table:* TSV table with statistical evaluation of change of expression - *design:* TSV table describing separation of samples into groups for differential expression **Param(s):** - *group_by:* attribute (in the metadata file header) that would split samples into two categories - *batch:* attribute (in the metadata file header) that would split samples categories with similar batch bias effect (e.g. samples from same sequencing run) Edger - Convert Summary Tsv Table To Xlsx --------------------------------------------- Convert summary.normed.tsv table to Excel format. **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/paired_end/classification/differential_analysis/edger.snake - *Rule name:* edger__convert_summary_tsv_table_to_xlsx **Input(s):** - *tsv_table:* Table in tsv format **Output(s):** - *xlsx_table:* Table in Excel format