Bwa - Map Reads To Reference -------------------------------- For input preprocessed reads bwa finds the most similar genomic region in the provided reference genome, using bwa mem algorithm. **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/paired_end/mapping/mapper/bwa.snake - *Rule name:* bwa__map_reads_to_reference **Input(s):** - *r1:* gzipped fastq file with left reads, e.g. 'reads/%s/{sample}_R1.fastq.gz' - *r2:* gzipped fastq file with right reads, e.g. 'reads/%s/{sample}_R2.fastq.gz' - *index:* reference index (created by rule bwa__prepare_index), e.g. 'reference/{reference}/bwa_index/{reference}.bwt' **Output(s):** - *bam:* mapped read in BAM file, e.g. 'mapping/{reference}/original/{sample}.bam' **Param(s):** - *index:* name of reference, technically filename's path prefix, e.g. 'reference/{reference}/bwa_index/{reference}' - *additional:* additional params - *concordant:* more strict conditions for scoring options should help to map only concordant reads Bismark - Map Methyl Seq Reads To Reference ----------------------------------------------- For input preprocessed reads treated by Bisulfide Bismark finds the most similar genomic region in the provided reference genome. **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/paired_end/mapping/mapper/bismark.snake - *Rule name:* bismark__map_methyl_seq_reads_to_reference **Input(s):** - *r1:* gzipped fastq file with left reads, e.g. 'reads/%s/{sample}_R1.fastq.gz' - *r2:* gzipped fastq file with right reads, e.g. 'reads/%s/{sample}_R2.fastq.gz' - *ct_index:* CT reference index (created by rule bismark__prepare_index) - *ga_index:* GA reference index (created by rule bismark__prepare_index) - *ref:* reference genome, i.e. 'reference/{reference}/{reference}.fa' **Output(s):** - *bam:* mapped reads in BAM format - *alignment_report:* Control report with basic mapping statistics generated by Bismark **Param(s):** - *aux_bam:* bam file that have preset name by Bismark. Has to be renamed to match downstream analysis. - *aux_alignment_report:* alignment report that have preset name by Bismark. Better to move to separate folder to keep bam directory clean - *bam_dir:* directory with the output bam file - *reference_dir:* directory with reference fasta, i.e. 'reference/{reference}' Bowtie2 - Map Reads To Reference ------------------------------------ For input preprocessed reads bowtie2 finds the most similar genomic region in the provided reference genome. **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/paired_end/mapping/mapper/bowtie2.snake - *Rule name:* bowtie2__map_reads_to_reference **Input(s):** - *r1:* gzipped fastq file with left reads, e.g. 'reads/%s/{sample}_R1.fastq.gz' - *r2:* gzipped fastq file with right reads, e.g. 'reads/%s/{sample}_R2.fastq.gz' - *index:* reference index (created by rule bowtie2__prepare_index), e.g. 'reference/{reference}/bowtie2_index/{reference}.1.bt2' - *ref:* reference genome, e.g. 'reference/{reference}/{reference}.fa' **Output(s):** - *bam:* mapped read in BAM file, e.g. 'mapping/{reference}/original/{sample}.bam' **Param(s):** - *index:* name of reference, technically filename's path prefix, e.g. 'reference/{reference}/bowtie2_index/{reference}' - *additional:* additional params - *concordant:* only concordant reads