Fastuniq - Deduplicate Reads -------------------------------- Remove fragments with identical sequences that are usually consequence of extensive PCR multiplication **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/paired_end/reads/preprocess/deduplicated/fastuniq.snake - *Rule name:* fastuniq__deduplicate_reads **Input(s):** - *r1:* Left side of sequenced fragments in gzipped fastq format - *r2:* Right side of sequenced fragments in gzipped fastq format **Output(s):** - *r1:* Left side of fragments without duplications in gzipped fastq format - *r2:* Right side of fragments without duplications in gzipped fastq format - *pair_description:* Auxiliary file with names for paired files - *unzipped_r1:* Auxiliary file with unzipped left side of sequenced fragments - *unzipped_r2:* Auxiliary file with unzipped right side of sequenced fragments