Bowtie2 - Prepare Index --------------------------- Generate mapping index that is utilized by Bowtie2 algorithm to map reads to a reference genome **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/shared/mapping/mapper/indices/bowtie2_index.snake - *Rule name:* bowtie2__prepare_index **Input(s):** - *fa:* fasta reference genome **Output(s):** - *indecis:* 6 files with indeces. e.g '{fadir}/bowtie2_index/{sequence}.[1-4].bt2', '{fadir}/bowtie2_index/{sequence}.rev.[1,2].bt2' **Param(s):** - *index:* name of output reference, technically filename's path prefix, e.g. '{fadir}/bowtie2_index/{sequence}' Bwa - Prepare Index ----------------------- Generate mapping index that is utilized by BWA algorithm to map reads to a reference genome **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/shared/mapping/mapper/indices/bwa_index.snake - *Rule name:* bwa__prepare_index **Input(s):** - *fa:* fasta reference genome **Output(s):** - *indecis:* 5 files with indeces. e.g '{fadir}/bwa_index/{sequence}.[amb,ann,bwt,pac,sa]' **Param(s):** - *index:* output filename's path prefix, e.g. '{fadir}/bwa_index/{sequence}' Bismark - Prepare Index --------------------------- Generate mapping index that is utilized by Bismark algorithm to map bisulfide treated reads to a reference genome **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/shared/mapping/mapper/indices/bismark_index.snake - *Rule name:* bismark__prepare_index **Input(s):** - *fa:* fasta reference genome **Output(s):** - *ct_index:* CT reference index (created by rule bismark__prepare_index) - *ga_index:* GA reference index (created by rule bismark__prepare_index) **Param(s):** - *fadir:* root directory of the reference sequence