Gatk - Fix Vcf Header ------------------------- Adds missing sequence dictionary to VCF header. This job also generates VCF index (.idx). **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/shared/variant/report/calling/gatk.snake - *Rule name:* gatk__fix_vcf_header **Input(s):** - *vcf:* Raw VCF from variant caller vardict. - *fasta:* Reference sequence. **Output(s):** - *vcf:* Fixed VCF. - *vcf_index:* Fixed VCF index. Tabix - Index Vcf --------------------- Create tabix intex on BGZF (bgzipped) VCF file. **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/shared/variant/report/calling/gatk.snake - *Rule name:* tabix__index_vcf **Input(s):** Picard - Bed To Interval List --------------------------------- Conversion of BED file to GATK specific interval_list. **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/shared/variant/report/calling/gatk.snake - *Rule name:* picard__bed_to_interval_list **Input(s):** - *bed:* BED file - *seq_dict:* sequence dictionary **Output(s):** - *intervals:* interval list Gatk - Collect Variant Calling Metrics ------------------------------------------ GATK tool for generating **Location** - *Filepath:* /rules/shared/variant/report/calling/gatk.snake - *Rule name:* gatk__collect_variant_calling_metrics **Input(s):** - *vcf:* called variants - *vcf_index:* index of called variants - *dbsnp:* DBSNP in BGZF format. - *dbsnp_index:* DBSNP index of BGZF format. - *intervals:* Genomic regions of interest. **Output(s):** - *filename:* Text file with summary of calling metrics.